Saturday, June 17, 2006

movies n foods

seriously, i tink me, BY, weiwei and yuexin is going on weekly movie marathon in a "horrific" way. Not that we are horrifying, but that the movies we see are HORROR in nature. haha... Started of with the nun, which is a BIG FLOP, followed by the omen, which is quite scary and yesterday Silent Hill. It wasnt exactly scary i would say, but it was more gory la... in terms of ranking it would be:
1. Omen
2. Silent Hill
3. Nun

Here are the posters...
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Today, went to bugis to pray... it has been a long time since i went there le...
Met up with KS to go shopping. Haha... actually wanted to ask QY and Kheng along but they not free.. Went walking all the way from bugis to city hall. Ate at Spinelli. Unofficial spokesmen for Spinelli... haha.. Hm... nice ambience. Then at Marina's Giant... guess who we saw? QY!!! haha.. so qiao lei... went over to Suntec Mac to see whether they got show the World cup... apparently NOT. HaiZ...

look at this pic. tink is nicely ME :)
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Yummy food @ Spinelli
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Chocolate Rumba Cake, the Ebony & Ivory Cheese Cake and the Mocha Lava Bundlet. The drink was the Mocha Spin. Woo~hoo

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