Thursday, April 17, 2008

Whiny and Depressed

A huge thanks and apology to friends who heard me whine these days. I feel that today I was being quite whiny (upon reflection) and that I should STOP and accept whats going on since nothing is going to change anyway. But it just make me feel better after whining.

It has been a great semester for me in terms of CCAs and Drama related events as I have accomplished many fulfilling things and doing things that I really enjoy.

However, in terms of grades, it hasn't been well reflected. I took a wrong module this semester (psychology) and got relatively poor grades for it (my definition of poor = B- and below, average - B, B+, good = As). As for my other subjects, they are performed better (phew!) but I realised until now, I have not gotten back any essays that have and 'A' on it. The mas I have for essays (exclude prac) was an A-.

I was sad not because of my grades (per se) but I need 1-2 subjects to get a higher grade to cover my psychology which I am so doomed for.

But, I have decided now that there is just so much I can do and I should just enjoy my university days since it is the last chance for me to study. Grades are important but I realised that my pay isnt going to be very high if I get a second upper or second lower. Seriously. My aim is 2nd Upper (as I want to do Honour Thesis, since it is 12MCs!!) But living life is important as well. Hui shi spotted white hair and this is not exaclt a very good sign.

I thank all of my friends again and see you all tomorrow.


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