Saturday, May 09, 2009

Perthy Australia

Me and my sis practically did everything people in AMAZING RACE did over there.

1. Drive a marked car (we drove a rented car - a convertable)
2. Getting lost and asking fellow motorist for directions (that implies getting out of the car and flagging down on-coming cars of which some stopped and help while others simply ignored us).
3. Driving for 6-7 hours straight (for no break)
4. Sitting all other public transport (free CAT bus, Transperth Bus, Perth Train)
5. Going to specific tourists hotspots e.g. Frenmentle Prison, Pinnacles etc.
6. Ended up with limited cash and limited time and have to rush to the airport (cos we were given the wrong direction) = 'begging' the cab driver to bring us there at a cheaper cost ($30 instead of $35).

It was a very unique trip, doing all sorts of wierd stuff that I normally dont do. And I met Weilun, my friend studying there.

Some photo-journey!


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