Home Sweet Home
Note: This is my 2nd same entry. The 1st one was accidently deleted by my sis when she shut the whole computer down. HaiZ...Finally i am home!!! Hahax..after a long and tiring week @ camp, the feeling of returning home just makes my delighted. Although it is only 1 day @ home ( less than 12 hrs actually), it just feels good.
I was the ammo party of the coy live firing held on friday, lasting all the way to sunday morning from friday morning. Being the exclusive lot who got selected by PS Vincent personally, the 3 of us, me QY and Shanker, we are in charge of the live ammo for the 3 coys participating. Our weekend is also burned. The rest of the platoon gets to book out on friday evening, while the 3 of us- this morning.
The 2days was very busy. Never in my entire life have i saw, touch, load, unload so many live roungs before. Initally, i thought the job would be easy and simple. The truth, however, was not like what we thought. We need to draw ammo, return ammo, check for faulty rounds, load and unload magazines and there were a lot of paper work to settle. As this is live firing, we need to be very careful not to make any mistakes as the consequences would be bad. I had only 5 mins break during my first day @ work and a 2hr sleeping break after 26 hours of non- stop ammo work. The 2nd day was less busy so we had more time to rest. Thank god.
During our return journey, it was one filled with high spirits. Finally we get to book out! Me and QY brought disman along and we enjoyed the music throughout the whole journey back to camp. We hear some jap songs and cantonese song sung by CoOkiEs, called xin ji ren shang. Cool!
During the 2 days, i get to know my PS better. I just love his way of handling things.
Me and QY also talked about a lot of stuff during our breaktime while waiting for coy to return their ammo to us.Interesting talk isnt it? ~~QY:wad u think lei?~~
Hahax... it was interestin doing ammo (as an experience). Although my weekend was burned, i get to know my PS better.
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